Words to Lyrics Ben Ho's observations from the cloud

3 March 2008

A New Start, A New MacBook Pro

Filed under: Tech — Tags: , , — Ben @ 11:57 pm

First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting for so long. It turns out that Year 11 is giving me a much larger workload now. But I will do my best, to post as many times as possible.Last Wednesday as you may have heard, Apple have released a major update to their notebook lines: MacBook and MacBook Pro. They have put in newer processors and offered larger hard drives in their notebooks. The day after the announcement, I ordered one low-end MacBook Pro. It’s going to be used as my main computer, as well as for my friend’s and my professional photography. Dad’s going to be pretty happy as well; he has a portable to take with him to the office when he needs it.It’s all going well in regards to technology. I am expecting to receive my new Nikon D80 next week, when mum comes back from Hong Kong. After this small glimmer of joy, it’s back to work. I have assignments to do. 

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