Words to Lyrics Ben Ho's observations from the cloud

16 January 2008

Keynote Verdict

Filed under: Reflection,Tech — Tags: , , , , , , — Ben @ 7:31 am

Well, I was up at 4am AEST this morning to follow the liveblogs of Steve Jobs’ Keynote at Macworld. There was a lot of anticipation for many of the rumours to come true. And one did.

There were (as I counted) six new things that were released today. They are:

  1. Time Capsule: A networked storage device and wireless router in one
  2. iPhone Software 1.1.3
  3. iPod Touch update (that costs US$20)
  4. Movie Rentals (Rumour come true) (US only (as usual))
  5. Apple TV Take 2 (New UI)
  6. MacBook Air (Rumour come true!)

This offering of products and software is very good. It brings features that are long overdue and new ones too. Time Machine over the network with Time Capsule is a useful feature. Movie Rentals are long overdue. I (and many other people) weren’t too happy with the $20 software upgrade for the iPod Touch. It should be free. Heck, could you copy the apps over via SSH from the iPhone? The MacBook Air (MBA) is a welcome change and also shows Apple entering another sector of the notebook market.

Gee. I can’t think of anymore to write about. If I have more, I will write more.

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