Words to Lyrics Ben Ho's observations from the cloud

23 August 2009

My Social Map

Filed under: Tech — Tags: , , , , — Ben @ 8:17 pm

I thought I’d show you how my social networks interact with each other. This might shed some light on how you might organise your social networks to best interact with your fans.

Shown below are my most used networks/services and how they interact with each other.


(Click to see bigger)
As you can see, I target my social services to multiple places. Delicious, Twitter and flickr are pushed to all places: Blog, universe (my website, and the respective service sites), Friendfeed (aggregator) and Facebook.

Facebook is special because it allows me to publish things to a limited audience, whilst being able to share public stuff with friends. This blog is also great, because it provides a front for these posts and all the services. All my stuff is public within each social network. All a bit simple really.

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