Words to Lyrics Ben Ho's observations from the cloud

27 February 2011

A Reflection of the Holiday

Filed under: Reflection — Tags: — Ben @ 9:22 pm

The long summer holiday has ended. So I ask myself what have I achieved this holiday?

I didn’t get a job.
I made a poor effort to catch up with friends.
I stayed at home for most of the time.
I watched a lot of TV.
I did some volunteer work!

Conclusion: I’ve turned into a vegetable.

Admittedly, I do regret not doing more than I did. Knowing when the postman comes and what’s on TV during the day is good but it doesn’t compare to getting something useful on the CV. Not making the effort to see friends is, well, shall we say unhealthy. Each day became a countdown to the next significant event: the postman delivers the mail, this TV show comes on, the parcel man comes, and so on.

Being a vegetable didn’t do wonders for my health either. I was eating less and less, but at the same time snacking more and more. Getting fat on the couch would soon become reality. I tried to find any errand I could do, just to stop being bored.

I did try to find paid work. I applied for a few jobs, none got back within the summer. One emailed to say they would like to have an interview, but they haven’t called yet. I gave up in mid-January.

On the bright side, I did some volunteering at the Sydney Festival. I wrote a review for one of the events, and I did go on about the Festival a bit on Twitter (I think). I got into the University of Sydney! Looking forward to the new experiences there.

At least the holiday didn’t go to waste entirely. Now I’m off to have an early night; 8am start tomorrow.

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