Words to Lyrics Ben Ho's observations from the cloud

11 July 2012

Outside the Reality Distortion Field

Filed under: I Wonder — Tags: , , , , — Ben @ 10:50 am

My friends know that I’m a big Apple fan, and a ‘technology’ person. I was, in the past, the go-to person for questions about computers, gadgets and the like. People today still ask me about technology, and developments in Apple products. I feel very honoured that I’m a reliable source of information for them.

Much has been written about Apple’s ‘reality distortion field’ (Google the term for many words about it) and how it forms your view of Apple and its products. The late Steve Jobs was a master of convincing you that Apple’s product was the best, the easiest to use and the quickest to enjoy, despite it not necessarily being the most advanced technically, or the most economic option for your situation.

I believe, when talking about Apple and its products, that reliable opinions are not affected by the ‘field’. This brings me to a point which I’m always concious about when I’m talking about Apple stuff.

I once applied to work at an Apple Store. At the time, I thought the environment was ‘cool’ and ‘hip’, perfect for a uni student who wanted to earn several dollars. I was quite disappointed that I didn’t advance past the group interview stage. That disappointment didn’t last for long. Soon after Apple released something (I can’t remember what), friends were asking me whether to get said gadget or not.

That’s when I realised, had I got a job with Apple, I would have simply towed the company line. I would have simply recalled the things they tell me to tell customers if they asked. There would not be an objective viewpoint any more.

The word ‘independence’ comes to mind when I think about this. When it comes to technology opinions, a lot of people take sides and are very loyal to their brand. It’s all “This one’s good, the rest are bad.” Maybe we all need to get out of the reality distortion field once in a while.

Especially those hardcore Apple fans.

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